Liturgical Ministries

If you would like further information on our Liturgical Ministries, please contact our parish office – 07 3267 4825

These parishioners offer the ministry of proclaiming the Word of God at the Sunday Mass through the First and Second Readings and offering on behalf of the gathered congregation, the Prayer of the Faithful. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact the parish office to register your interest.

These parishioners are commissioned to distribute Holy Communion during Mass so that the reception of Holy Communion by the Assembly flows smoothly and within a reasonable amount of time.

Parishioners who wish to become Ministers of Communion are provided with initial and ongoing education and training. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact the parish office to register your interest.

There are sick and aged parishioners living in their own homes who are unable to get to Church. We have a group of wonderful people who visit them on a fortnightly basis. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact the parish office to register your interest.

The leaders of the Children’s Liturgy teach the Gospel message in a way that is appropriate for the younger members of our parish. This makes the celebration of the Mass more relevant for children and gives meaning to what may sometimes be relatively complex ideas. Children’s Liturgy is one of the most rewarding of the ministries. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact the Parish office.

The Liturgical Ministry of Music has always been valued within the Christian tradition. We are blessed in our parish with several different choir groups  This provides the opportunity for all who are interested to participate more fully in the liturgical life of the community and enrich the liturgical experiences of the community. One of the choirs meets each month for practice on a Monday night at 7.15pm. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact the parish office to register your interest.

Boys and girls are invited to become Altar Servers after the completion of their Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation (Year 3). The children are instructed by our Sacristan, Mr Rob Byrne who helps them grow in their confidence to assist in our Sunday liturgies. If your child is interested in helping with this ministry, please contact the parish office to register your interest.

Sacristans prepare the churches and vestments for Mass and ceremonies each week. Assistance is always required and your interest would be most welcome. Assistance is also required with the washing and ironing of vestments and liturgical cloths.

We always need parishioners who are willing to help take up the collections at Sunday Mass or later in the week to help count and record the money received. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact the parish office to register your interest.

This is an easy but very necessary work and involves washing sacred vessels, changing and laundering of linen, replacing holy water, dusting and sweeping the sacristy area, arranging flowers and ensuring the altar area is presented in the best possible way in readiness for the celebration of Mass on the weekend.

It is always satisfying to have feedback from parishioners and visitors to the church, who appreciate and notice the pride that we take here in Kedron, with the presentation of our church environment. Remember, we are on show to many visitors as well as our parish community! If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact the parish office to register your interest.

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